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We need your help.

January 27, 2024

The Friends of Louisiana Wildlife Refuges, Inc. is a 501c non-profit corporation that is engaged in promoting better awareness, appreciation, and conservation of the natural environment on the national refuges in Southeast Louisiana. We are a membership-based organization made up entirely of volunteers.

We assist and promote the programs and services of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that will enhance the quality of the refuges and educate the public about the habitats, plants, and animals found in them.

We work with other agencies and organizations to raise funds and direct resources towards visitor services and educational, interpretative, and environmental projects which, without assistance, would not be accomplished solely through the efforts of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

We ask all of our members to become involved in the group's work, even if you are only able to help supply us with financial support. However, there are many ways you can help using whatever time you have available for volunteering, even if it is infrequent.

We appreciate all help. Some jobs require a long-term time commitment, and some are just for specific one-time events or projects. Some are for leadership roles, and on the other end of the commitment spectrum - some may just require two or three hours during one of our events. You can choose at what level you can volunteer. These are areas where we could use your help:

Special Events: The Friends group is responsible for raising money that allows the refuge staff to put on free public events at the refuges. We do this by holding plant sales, preparing and selling food, drinks, and snacks, and soliciting donations and sponsorships. We organize the live music for the Wild Things event. We hold an information booth about the Friends group during multiple events on and off of the refuges.

Visitors Center Host: You can receive training from the staff to be a refuge volunteer manning the visitors center. Our members are responsible for processing sales at our gift shop in the Visitors Center and keeping it stocked with merchandise, but you can do that while you are acting as a host. Visitors Center hosts volunteer for 3 1/2 shifts as often or as few times each month as they can help. You can request a specific shift or shifts each month. The Visitors Center is open Thursday, Friday, and Saturday each week from 9 AM to 4 PM. There are two different shifts each day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

Serve on a Committee: The Friends Board of Directors has numerous committees working to manage the group, its special projects, and events. How much our group can accomplish each year is totally dependent on how many volunteers are involved in accomplishing the goals of each committee. A list of the committees can be found here:

Leadership Role: You can join our board of directors, become an officer, or head up one of our committees, special projects, or areas of responsibilities our group has on refuge special events.

If you would like to personally make a difference by helping our Southeast Louisiana National Wildlife Refuges accomplish all of their varied purposes, please consider volunteering with our group. Please send us an email at if you would like to volunteer.

All are welcome!



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