Next Refuge Service Saturday is set for February 3, 2024
January 13, 2024
The US Fish & Wildlife Service is holding a volunteer work morning at the Southeast Louisiana Refuges Complex Headquarters on Saturday, February 3rd from 8 AM until 11 AM. The work being done by the volunteers will be to get the gardens and grounds ready for one of our biggest annual events, the Bayou Gardens Open House, on February 24th.

The Friends of Louisiana Wildlife Refuges, Inc. supports these Service Saturday events by supplying the volunteers with water and snacks and by helping sign-in the volunteers. If you are a member of the Friends group, please feel free to contact us to find out how you can help:
Our Friends members can also help with the work being done that morning by volunteering as refuge volunteers.
More information on the February Service Saturday work morning can be found here:
The refuge has scheduled a "Living off the Land" workshop later on the same day as the Service Saturday event. Why not take a break for lunch and then attend the workshop and make a full day of it? Saturday, February 3, 2024 1 PM until 3 PM Details here: