The Friends camellia and native plant sale is being held during the Bayou Gardens Open House event
February 10, 2024
The Friends of Louisiana Wildlife Refuges, Inc. will hold their annual camellia and native plant sale during the 2024 Bayou Gardens Open House event. The plant sale will begin promptly at 9 AM on event day and will continue until the last plant is sold.
The Bayou Gardens Open House event is held each year as the extensive collection of camellias on the grounds of the Southeast Louisiana National Wildlife Refuges Headquarters Complex is in bloom. The event is free and is from 9 AM until 3 PM on February 24, 2024, at the US Fish & Wildlife Service's refuge complex at 61389 LA-434 in Lacombe, LA.
Details on the Bayou Gardens Open House can be found HERE
This is a list of camellia varieties we will be selling at the February 24th Bayou Gardens Open House (order from left to right starting on the top row of the photo):
Black Magic Dr. Tinsley Leslie Ann Kumasaka White Empress Jeffery Hood
R. L. Wheeler Lady Claire Nina Avery Sugar Daddy
The camellias will be priced at $25 for a three-gallon pot.
Mizell's Camellia Hill Nursery is our supplier for the sale. We greatly appreciate their working with us on a consignment basis for our sale. Paige Mizell of Mizell's Camellia Hill Nursery will be one of the guest speakers during the event, so she can fill in our purchasers with all they need to know to grow camellias successfully.
We will also be selling native plants. The native plant/pollinator garden movement has taken off nationwide in recent years. People have learned that typical home landscaping offers little support to butterflies and other pollinators. The movement began when it became apparent that the number of these pollinators was in a significant decline.
Native plants we will be selling are shown above. (Part one, left to right from top.)
Asclepias perennis (Aquatic Milkweed) *Florida genetics
Chasmanthium latifolium (Inland Wood Oats)
Eryngium integrifolium (Blueflower Eryngo)
Eupatorium serotinum (Late Boneset)
Lythrum alatum (Winged Loosestrife)
Monarda punctata (Spotted Horsemint)
Native plants we will be selling are shown above. (Part two, left to right from top.)
Penstemon tenuis (Gulf Coast Penstemon)
Pycnanthemum albescens (Whiteleaf Mountain Mint)
Scutellaria drummondii (Drummond's Skullcap)
Stokesia laevis (Stoke's Aster)
Symphyotrichum lateriflorum (Calico Aster)
Verbesina virginica (Frostweed)
Viola sororia (Common Blue Violet)
Native plants we will be selling are shown above. (Part three, left to right from top.)
Pyrropappus caroliniana
Dracopis amplexicaulis, Clasping Coneflower
Lyreleaf Sage
Monarda Citriodora, Lemon Bee Balm
Coreopsis tinctoria
Coral Honeysuckle vine
This sale is an important fundraiser for our yearly activities in support of the Southeast Louisiana refuges and helping the US Fish & Wildlife Service put on free events like the Bayou Gardens Open House and Wild Things. It also is a draw that brings people out to the event.
If you would like to personally make a difference in being sure our Southeast Louisiana National Wildlife Refuges accomplish all of its varied purposes, you can do so by volunteering to help with our plant sale. Please send us an email at if you'd like to.