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Volunteers are needed to help with our camellia and native plant sales

January 27, 2024

Volunteers are needed from our membership to help with our camellia and native plant sales during the February 24th Bayou Gardens Open House.

One of the key fundraisers for the Friends of Louisiana Wildlife Refuges is our plant sale, which is held during the annual Bayou Gardens Open House event. It also is a draw that brings people out to the event.

In addition to having over sixty pots with multiple varieties of camellias, we also sell native plants, including many that create flowers needed by bird and insect pollinators.

Bayou Gardens Open House is held from 9 AM until 3 PM. However, our plant sale will only last as long as we have an inventory of plants to sell. It is not uncommon for us to sell out many of the plants in the first hours of the event. Our biggest need for volunteers is setting up the booth and spreading the potted plans around it. Even if you can only help us man the booth for a couple of hours, all help will be welcome!

All proceeds from our plant sales go towards our work supporting the refuges, including the staff's outreach and educational programs.

Information on the 2024 Bayou Gardens Open House can be found HERE

If you would like to personally make a difference in being sure our Southeast Louisiana National Wildlife Refuges accomplish all of its varied purposes, you can do so by volunteering to help with our plant sale. Please send us an email at if you like to.

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